Books I have co-authored

I have had the honor to co-author two books exploring how to bring out the best in each of us. While the books focus on the field of education, their concepts extend far beyond it and have helped all types of leaders, companies, and organizations expand their potential.

Beautiful Questions In The Classroom

Transforming Classrooms Into Cultures of Curiosity and Inquiry
By Warren Berger and Elise Foster

Why does engagement plummet as learners advance in school?

Why does the stream of questions from curious toddlers slow to a trickle as they become teenagers?

Most importantly, what can teachers and schools do to reverse this trend?

The book explores the importance of questioning and how inquiry leads to learning, innovation, and personal growth. It shows educators how to develop a powerful teaching approach that creates a classroom full of student-driven inquiry.


  • Strategies to ask (and inspire students to ask) bigger, more beautiful questions
  • Real-world examples, case studies, practical ideas, and question stems

“What does it mean to learn? Most of us eventually realize that genuine learning is less about delivering the right answers and more about asking the right questions…Inquiry develops self-direction and deepens curiosity. And in an age of automation, questioning is a uniquely human skill, one we should foster in school and in life. This book is an essential read for educators at every level.”

Daniel H. Pink, Author of When, Drive, and A Whole New Mind

Want a Keynote on Multipliers, Accidental Diminishers and/or a Curiosity Culture?

Get in touch with me today and let’s start amplifying genius and unlocking potential inside your organization.


Links to all of my articles, blogs and publications.